Bag Of Cows

How many Bits do you need?

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Question code: How many questions:
You can only have one go at each question - once you press the 'mark' button, that is your answer.

1 If you have 1 bits, what is the biggest number you can store?

2 If you want to store the number 54, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

3 If you want to store the number 665, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

4 If you want to store the number 10, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?

5 How many bits do you need to hold 512 different numbers?

6 If you have 8 bits, what is the biggest number you can store?

7 How many bits do you need to hold 128 different numbers?

8 If you have 1 bits, what is the biggest number you can store?

9 How many bits do you need to hold 256 different numbers?

10 If you want to store the number 443, what is the minimum number of bits you will need?